👨‍🏫 Free Math Worksheets

FREE Street Signs Math Task Cards Mini-Set

FREE Street Signs Math Task Cards Mini-Set
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
I was inspired to create this little freebie by a pin I found on Pinterest, where someone had cleverly replaced the speed limit with a complicated math equation. I hope this task card mini-set brings a little bit more fun into your room!

Keywords: Free Math , math, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, activities, task cards
Author: Teaching With a Mountain View

Multi-Step MATH Games: Scoot Over the Rainbow

Multi-Step MATH Games: Scoot Over the Rainbow
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
This game includes multi-step math problems that include addition, subtraction and multiplication. The multiplication is simple and can be worked out with pictures for beginners. I created this for my gifted first graders but is perfect for second graders and third graders who need extra help.

Please leave feedback after purchase!

Graphics are courtesy of First Grade Parade, Ashley Hughes, and Zip A Dee Doo Dah. Please stop by their stores and show them some love!

Keywords: Free Math , math, basic operations, word problems, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, games, math centers
Author: Farrah Henley Education

Math Center {FREEBIE}

Math Center {FREEBIE}
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
Centers are a valuable tool that can be used in a variety of ways. In my experience, Centers are both challenging and fun. They should have a focused goal in mind, a clear purpose, clear instructions, and sufficient time for each center. When used in conjunction with your curriculum, Centers makes your student’s learning more meaningful. Included is a suggested center activity that will strengthen and reinforce your student’s math skills on factors, multiples, prime and composite. Use the “Riddles Center” page as directions for the center to encourage independent work. As an optional activity, have your students self-assess themselves using the "Self Reflection" half sheet included.

Center Freebie

•Riddles Center (6 riddles)

This FREEBIE is a sample of my other math centers. Please visit my store to preview them. Each math center product includes 5 suggested centers that you can run at the same time.

Keywords: Free Math , math, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, math centers, by tpt sellers for tpt sellers
Author: Innovative Teacher

Online Color By Number Math Mystery Pictures

Counting Apples FREEBIE Cut and Paste 1 to 10

Counting Apples FREEBIE Cut and Paste 1 to 10
Let your little apple lovers cut, count and paste with this practice sheet for numbers 1 to 10. This activity is ONE page and can be used in a math center or as morning work or small group.
Children count how many apples are in each set and glue the correct numeral beside each set.
Perfect for use during your Apple or Fall/Harvest Theme Unit!

Keywords: Free Math , math, numbers, autumn, prek, kindergarten, 1st grade, homeschooler, free math worksheets, printables, math centers
Author: BZTeacher - Terry Palmieri

Rounding Numbers and Estimating Sums

Rounding Numbers and Estimating Sums
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
This lesson requires students to round 2 - 5 digit numbers to the nearest Tens, Hundreds and Thousands Place.

Students are also asked to estimate the sum or 3 - 4 digit numbers.

The lesson also includes the following word problems which ask students to round their answers to the Nearest Tens Place:

1. The students in Mr. Marshall’s class all have different reading books in their desks. Ahmad has 12, Jackie has 7, Michael has 5, Kendra has 11 and Patricia has 6. Estimate the number of books they have in total.

2. Sarah's father has a huge movie collection. She counted 5,458 movies. About how many movies would you say her father has if you round to the nearest tens place?

3. Mrs. King has 44 students in her class. She has more than any other teacher in the school. Ms. Black comes close with 39 students, but Mr. Anthony only has 27. Estimate the number of students in those three classes. Round your answer to the nearest tens place.

4. There are 365 days in a year. Estimate the number of days in the year to the nearest tens place.

This can either be used as a homework assignment, in-class practice, quiz or test.

Hope this helps =)

Keywords: Free Math , math, word problems, place value, 4th grade, 5th grade, examinations - quizzes, free math worksheets, homework
Author: The Teacher Treasury

Colorful 100 Charts {FREE} counting by twos, fives, and tens

Colorful 100 Charts {FREE} counting by twos, fives, and tens
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
These 100s charts can help you with different counting skills in your classroom. Included is a plain hundreds chart, a chart for counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s. I also have a free plain version of these for those of you who would like to save your color ink here: http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/100-Charts

Keywords: Free Math , math, numbers, prek, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, printables, posters
Author: K-3 Connection

Adding 3 Addends Golf Themed BINGO Game Freebie

Adding 3 Addends   Golf Themed BINGO Game Freebie
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
Do you have any sports fans in your classroom? This game has a golf theme and is a favorite in the classroom!

Inspired by golf, this math game practices adding three addends. It works like Bingo. All you need are 3 dice, counters, and one game board per player.

Directions are included, as well as 9 playing boards. I can be used with an entire math group, or as centers. See the preview for more information on how to play this game.

This activity supports these Common Core standards:
1.OA.1 Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.
2.OA.1 Add and subtract within 20.

Keywords: Free Math , math, basic operations, mental math, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, homeschooler, computation, games, math centers
Author: Elementary Matters

Balancing Equations: Missing Addend, Addition, & Subtraction Practice

Balancing Equations: Missing Addend, Addition, & Subtraction Practice
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
Students use a balance and cubes to practice finding missing addends in equations!

Practice with:
*the meaning of the equal sign
*missing addends

Keywords: Free Math , math, basic operations, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, homeschooler, activities, printables, math centers
Author: Susan Jones

Place Value Game Free

Place Value Game Free
Here's a free place value game to use in your centers and small groups!

It's the game "Blast" featuring graphics from my favorite children's book and base ten blocks.

Included in this free game: base ten blocks representing numbers 1-36, game cards ("King of all the Wild Things" and "Be Still"), and game directions.

I use these place value cards as a warm-up or cool-down in my Guided Math small groups. They are also a perfect addition to your math centers.

For first grade, these cards align with Eureka Math (Engage NY) Module 4 and 6, but they will support any kindergarten, first grade, and second grade math units focused on place value.

Keywords: Free Math , math, numbers, place value, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, activities, printables, math centers
Author: Positively Learning

Percent Poetry - 100% Me!

Percent Poetry - 100% Me!
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
Percent Poetry - 100% Me!

This lesson is a great back-to-school activity to help teachers get to know their students quickly. Students are engaged in a language activity by brainstorming a list of their own characteristics, and turning these characteristics into unique percent poems. Students are also engaged in a math activity by creating circle graphs to display their poetry, and ensuring their percents add up to 100%. Finished products can be displayed on a bulletin board to create an eye-catching back-to-school display. Includes a rubric for assessment, if desired.

Keywords: Free Math , math, back to school, poetry, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, activities, bulletin board ideas
Author: Runde's Room

Calendar Helpers: Mini Posters and More

Calendar Helpers: Mini Posters and More
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
Brighten up any calendar routine with these mini posters! This download includes:
- months of the year
- days of the week
- days of the month numbers
- numbers mini posters
- colors mini posters
- weather mini posters
- coins mini posters
- number mini posters

Keywords: Free Math , english language arts, math, holidays/seasonal, prek, kindergarten, 1st grade, activities, bulletin board ideas
Author: Especially Education

Coin Anchor Charts

Coin Anchor Charts
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
Anchor Charts/Posters for each coin. Each anchor chart includes coin name, values, pictures of the coins, rhymes for each coin and differences between them!

**These are designed to be shaped as a square. Print, laminate and cut off the bottom white piece and they are ready to hang in your room!**

Thank you so much for downloading! I hope this is a product that both you and your students enjoy! Please take a moment to follow my store and rate my product! Thanks in advance!

Keywords: Free Math , math, prek, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, posters
Author: Lovin' Little Learners

Fall Numbers Trace and Count

Fall Numbers Trace and Count
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Fall trace and count FREE

Here are three fall-themed tracing and counting pages for early learners. Count the sets, recognize and trace the numbers, add extra details and color if desired.

If you find these pages useful, I would LOVE some feedback!

KidSparkz Teacher Resources

Keywords: Free Math , numbers, autumn, handwriting, prek, kindergarten, homeschooler, free math worksheets, activities, printables
Author: KidSparkz

St. Patrick's Day Math Review Freebie

St. Patrick's Day Math Review Freebie
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
This is a set of 6 fun printables that you can use in your class with a St. Patrick's Day theme.

Skills include:
2 and 3 Digit Addition
2 and 3 Digit Subtraction

The addition and subtraction pages have a riddle that can be solved by filling in the answers.

I hope you and your class enjoy this freebie.

Keywords: Free Math , basic operations, measurement, st. patrick's day, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, printables, math centers
Author: Surfin' Through Second

Number Talks Prompt Posters

Number Talks Prompt Posters
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
Number Talks are my favorite part of the day! They are a great way to work on number sense and the 8 Mathematical Practices! This set of posters will help encourage and remind your students about how to start their conversations during Number Talks and how to explain their thinking.

Keywords: Free Math , math, basic operations, numbers, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, activities, printables, posters
Author: The Blessed Teacher

Classifying Quadrilaterals Flowchart

Classifying Quadrilaterals Flowchart
This flowchart guides the student through a series of questions to quickly and easily identify quadrilaterals. Covers squares, rhombuses, trapezoids, rectangles and parallelograms. On the second page of the download is a set of directions to turn the flowchart into a large classroom-sized poster for free (sorry, Staples!) from any printer.

Keywords: Free Math , geometry, special education, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, printables, math centers, posters
Author: Scaffolded Math and Science

Single Digit Addition Using Colorful Cubes

Single Digit Addition Using Colorful Cubes
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
Students practice single-digit addition with these colorful problem strips and counting cubes as manipulatives. This FREEBIE includes 24 addition problem strips and a recording sheet.


Engaging Education Materials

Copyright © 2016 Engaging Education Materials

All rights reserved by author.

For classroom use only. This copy is to be used by a single teacher. Please purchase one license per teacher using this product.

Keywords: Free Math , basic operations, prek, kindergarten, 1st grade, homeschooler, activities, computation, math centers
Author: Engaging Education Materials

AppleTeens -A Fun Game to Practice Teen Numbers

AppleTeens -A Fun Game to Practice Teen Numbers
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
Great game for practicing teen numbers complete with a fun apple spin to it! Students play the game with a partner. Each student needs a game board, marker, unifix cubes, and a shared stack of teen cards.

1. Take a card from the deck
2. Read the number and build it with cubes
3. Choose the correct column to write the number to match the math sentence at the top

Keywords: Free Math , math, numbers, autumn, kindergarten, 1st grade, games
Author: First and Kinder Blue SKies

Graphing for Treasure

Graphing for Treasure
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
This game is a fun and engaging way for your students to practice graphing ordered pairs. I generally use this game after introducing graphing on the coordinate plane to my students. It is a fun and interactive way for them to practice plotting points.


Keywords: Free Math , math, graphing, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, activities, games, math centers
Author: Teaching Math by Hart

Best Friends that Make 10 Printable Rainbow - Common Core Math - K, 1, & 2

Fun idea to teach making ten!
Best Friends that Make 10 Printable Rainbow - Common Core Math - K, 1, & 2
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
In the Common Core math standards, students’ knowledge and understanding of base ten is essential. “Base ten” simply means that any number can be created with exactly 10 digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

Starting in kindergarten, students begin to develop an understanding of the number 10. K.OA.4 states that “For any number from 1 to 9, [students will be able to] find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number, e.g., by using objects or drawings, and record the answer with a drawing or equation.” K.OA.3 also states that students will be able to “Decompose numbers less than or equal to 10 into pairs in more than one way, e.g., by using objects or drawings, and record each decomposition by a drawing or equation.” K.NBT.1 also states that students will be able to “Compose and decompose numbers from 11 to 19 into ten ones and some further ones, e.g., by using objects or drawings, and record each composition or decomposition by a drawing or equation (e.g., 18 = 10 + 8); understand that these numbers are composed of ten ones and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine ones.

In 1st grade, students build on their knowledge of composing 10 and decomposing numbers leading to 10. 1.OA.4 states that students will be able to “Understand subtraction as an unknown-addend problem. For example, subtract 10 – 8 by finding the number that makes 10 when added to 8.” 1.OA.6 also states that students will be able to “ Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. Use strategies such as counting on; making ten (e.g., 8 + 6 = 8 + 2 + 4 = 10 + 4 = 14); decomposing a number leading to a ten (e.g., 13 – 4 = 13 – 3 – 1 = 10 – 1 = 9).”

Students really need to learn all of the combinations that make 10 before they leave Kindergarten to help them understand mathematics. If they do not, they will really struggle later on when adding 3 addends; adding a string of numbers; adding and subtracting with regrouping; counting coins, telling time, and doing mental math.

This “Best Friends that Make 10 Rainbow” is a great visual to help students learn all the ways to make 10! You can print this out to glue into students’ math books or send the flyer home with students to hang in their rooms. Additionally, you can copy the rainbow onto chart paper and create a great anchor poster to hang in your classroom.

Later in life, this rainbow will help students solve much harder math problems. Here is a fun and popular critical thinking problem: “What is the sum of all numbers 0-100?” By finding the sum of all digits 0-10, a strategy known as “solving a simpler problem,” students will be able to solve this harder problem easily.

When finding the sum of the digits 0-10, there are 5 sets of number pairs that make 10, totaling 50, and then the number 5 is left over. The sum of the numbers 0-10 is 55 since 50 + 5 = 55.

When adding numbers 0-100, students can pair numbers by making a rainbow and use the same thinking. 0 + 100 = 100; 1 + 99 = 100; 2 + 98 = 100; etc. There are 50 sets of number pairs that make 100, totaling 5,000, and then the number 50 is left over. The sum of the numbers 0-100 is 5,050 since 5,000 + 50 = 5,050.


Keywords: Free Math , math, basic operations, numbers, prek, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, fun stuff, handouts, computation
Author: Kelly Beleckas

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Online Color By Number Math Mystery Pictures