All Math Freebies

Binary Number Grid Puzzles - FREE

Binary Number Grid Puzzles - FREE
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
This resource is FREE, fun hands-on activity that uses the binary number system to create mini pictures.

Students will devour these and be wanting more! By then they will have a beginning understanding of the binary number system.

If you like this free resource and would like to immerse your students in more of these binary puzzle pictures then please check out my store Pooley Productions (click on the banner for the computing selection of resources!).

Here you will find, in addition to a wide collection of resources, a range of different grid sized binary puzzles resources, including a bundle that contains all puzzles I have made.

Keywords: numbers, computer science - technology, place value, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, worksheets, activities, math centers
Author: Pooley Productions

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Online Color By Number Math Mystery Pictures