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STEM Design Cycle ~ FREE Graphic Organizer

STEM Design Cycle ~ FREE Graphic Organizer
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Let me start by saying that we use the design cycle on a daily basis in all content areas. I make the graphic organizer poster-sized and it hangs up in our classroom all of the time. We use post-it notes to show our thinking and where we are in the cycle at any given moment!

Students also have their own copies of the design cycle organizer to use during our STEM challenges and other STEM activities. Learning how to use the design cycle is a process for the students, let them find their way through it over the course of the year!

Keywords: math, science, engineering, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, homeschooler, assessment, laboratory, graphic organizers
Author: Smart Chick

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