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Math It Up (A Version of "Add It Up" )

Math It Up (A Version of
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
It was brought to my attention that some typing errors was on the task headers. The corrections have been made. If you have already downloaded the game, just print out the task cards again. Sorry guys. Typing is my nemesis. LOL!

I SOOO wish I could take credit for this, but I cannot. This is adapted from the creator of "Add it Up" (live,laugh and love to learn...check out her blog), I wanted to use this in my class, with multiple skills,without changing out the title frequently. So I used the common title "Math It UP! and interchangeable task headers. Instead of changing out the title to coincide with the skill, just place a different task header at the top. You can use this with every basic math skills (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). This 43 page set includes:

* Math It Up title
* 4 interchangeable Task Headers ((addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division))
* Recording Sheet
* Number tiles form (1 -99)
* Blank tiles for custom use.

Once again, I dont mind changing the colors to match you room, just let me know. Thanks. And as always, please leave feedback. ENJOY!

Keywords: math, basic operations, numbers, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, activities, games, math centers
Author: Rachelle Renee

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Online Color By Number Math Mystery Pictures