👨‍🏫 Free Math Worksheets

Exponents Worksheet - Complete the Missing Parts to the Table

Exponents Worksheet - Complete the Missing Parts to the Table
This exponents worksheet is presented in the form of a table in which students need to complete. For each problem, the students are given different information in the table. The information includes: the number, the base, the exponent, the expanded form, or the standard form. Students use the given information to complete the missing parts. An answer key is included. Students can use a calculator to complete if necessary. This activity meets or exceeds the Common Core Standards of Mathematics.

Keywords: Free Math , math, other (math), 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, homeschooler, free math worksheets
Author: Jersey Teacher

3rd Grade Math Morning Work - Two FREE Weeks

3rd Grade Math Morning Work - Two FREE Weeks
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
These two free weeks come from my 3rd Grade Math Morning Work Set. Week 4 gives a glimpse on how the morning work sheets are set up for the first half of the year, and week 20 gives a glimpse on how the morning work sheets are set up for the second half of the year.

The whole product covers and practices ALL of the common core objectives for third grade math.

Monday through Friday are on one page, so you only have to print one page for each student per week.

In addition to having work Monday through Friday, there is also a challenge problem for students to work on if they get finished early on any of the previous days. Basically, it is a built in differentiation piece.

Keywords: Free Math , math, other (math), math test prep, 3rd grade, homeschooler, assessment, printables
Author: Teacher Addict

Shading Equivalent Fractions

Shading Equivalent Fractions
An activity where students shade in the given fraction and then determine if two fractions are equivalent or not equivalent.

Keywords: Free Math , math, fractions, math test prep, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, examinations - quizzes, free math worksheets, activities
Author: LCSlionteacher

Online Color By Number Math Mystery Pictures

FREE-Number Munchers

FREE-Number Munchers
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
This is a fun way to practice number recognition for numbers 1-30. This game can also be used in a math center. Your students will beg you to play it again and again!

Keywords: Free Math , math, numbers, prek, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, activities, printables, games
Author: Christie Lamb

Task Cards - "Teacher, I'm Done!" Fairy Tale

Task Cards -
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
"Teacher, I'm Done!" ... "What should I do next?"
Copy, laminate and display these task cards... give each student a booklet and you are set. When they have a free minute they can review language and math skills completing task cards. Teach them responsibility, independence and allow you to finish the task you were working on without interruption.

Monthly and seasonal task cards can be found in my store if you and your students enjoy these!!

Keywords: Free Math , english language arts, math, classroom management, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, printables, task cards
Author: Lory Evans

FREE Rounding Activity

FREE Rounding Activity
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
Your students will have a blast rounding numbers and scanning the QR codes with this freebie. Simply print, cut out, and place the sunglasses around your classroom. Then give your students the recording sheet and a device that can scan QR codes so they can self-check their work.

If your kiddos like this activity, be sure to check out my pack of 8 more

Keywords: Free Math , math, place value, tools for common core, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, activities, math centers
Author: Kristin Kennedy

Pizza Fractions Craft

Pizza Fractions Craft
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
This pizza craft is intended to reinforce the fraction vocabulary of fourths and quarters. CCSS aligned.

CCSS.Math.Content.1.G.A.3 Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal shares, describe the shares using the words halves, fourths, and quarters, and use the phrases half of, fourth of, and quarter of. Describe the whole as two of, or four of the shares. Understand for these examples that decomposing into more equal shares creates smaller shares.

Keywords: Free Math , math, geometry, 1st grade, activities, fun stuff, math centers
Author: Jennifer Bates

Time Match {FREEBIE!!}

Time Match {FREEBIE!!}
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
This activity is a FREE version of my other game, “Time Match {Hour, Half Hour, Quarter Hour, & Five Minutes!” This free version ONLY has time to the hour. If you are interested in more activities, please check out that game. Included are times to the hour, half hour, quarter hour and time to the five minutes. Thanks for checking this out!

Having a fun and easy way to check student understanding of a skill is an important part of any classroom. These cards can be used as a quick warm up, exit card or center! See “How To Use” (below) for specifics!

How To Use:
To prepare: I typically print these out on different colors of card stock. One color for analog time, a different color for the digital time and a third color for time in words.

As a Warm Up or Exit Card: Split the class in half. Give one half one set of cards (i.e. analog time) and give the other half another set of cards (i.e. digital time) and have them find their partner! They LOVE this! Reshuffle the deck and play again! For more of a challenge, split the class into thirds and use the Time In Words cards! While in their pairs or small groups, I have students tell their partner how they knew they belonged together.

As a center:

Play as a memory game: Each set of cards is upside down in rows of cards with matching colors (i.e. all of the analog clocks are together). Then have students try to locate matches. For an extra challenge, give them all three sets (analog, digital & time in words). To have a “match” they have to find all three cards!

Play as a matching card game. Follow the rules of Go Fish - Pairs of students pick 4 cards from the whole set while the rest of the cards are upside down in a deck. Each student asks their partner for a matching card. The student with the most matches at the end of the game, wins!

Please leave some positive feedback if you like this!

Keywords: Free Math , math, measurement, other (math), kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, activities, games, math centers
Author: Classroom Canvas

Understanding Decimals Foldable

Understanding Decimals Foldable
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Use this foldable to have students learn or review these concepts:

decimal point
equivalent decimals

There are two identical foldables to a page to save on copies. Also to save on copies, only run the inside pages with the definitions and let the students hand-write the titles for the front flap.

Common Core Standard Addressed: 4.NF.6- Understanding decimal notation for fractions.


Keywords: Free Math , math, decimals, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, free math worksheets, printables
Author: Fun in Room 4B

Super Number Sort! [Number Sense Freebie]

Super Number Sort! [Number Sense Freebie]
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
This 24-page packet contains cards depicting the various ways a number can be represented: numeral, ten frame, tallies, number word, and objects. Helps develop number sense in the littlest scholars!

Thanks for checking it out! :)

Keywords: Free Math , math, numbers, prek, kindergarten, 1st grade, activities, math centers
Author: Jessica - Littlest Scholars

Animal Babies Addition Word Problems with Three Addends for First Grade

Animal Babies Addition Word Problems with Three Addends for First Grade
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
This packet of addition word problems with 3 addends is specifically written to address the common core math standard for first grade: Operations & Algebraic Thinking 1.OA.2 "Solve word problems that call for addition of three whole numbers whose sum is less than or equal to 20, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem."

It includes 5 story problems in a full-page format which provides plenty of room for first graders to show their work. The common core standard is stated at the bottom of each page, in a "we can" statement. These pages are great for guided instruction, homework, and/or assessment pieces.

There are 5 additional story problems in a cut and paste format for students' math journals.

I hope you enjoy this resource!
Fantastic First Grade

(This freebie offered under Scrappin Doodle license TPT62805)

Keywords: Free Math , math, word problems, tools for common core, 1st grade, free math worksheets, assessment, printables
Author: Fantastic First Grade

4th Grade Math Review | 4th Grade Morning Work | 1-week FREE

4th Grade Math Review | 4th Grade Morning Work | 1-week FREE
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
This resource can easily be used as spiral math morning work, daily math review, math warm-ups, or even homework! This spiral math review has been designed to help keep math concepts fresh all year, and it saves you time by simplifying your morning work routine. The level of difficulty increases throughout the year.

This resource samples the 4th grade version of Morning Work Spiral Math Review. Answer keys are provided with the full paid version.

Keywords: Free Math , math, word problems, back to school, 4th grade, homeschooler, free math worksheets, homework, math centers
Author: Dawn Mincher - Love Learn Teach

100th Day Snack

100th Day Snack
This fun download is for a 100th Day Trail Mix recipe. Let's have some 100th Day fun!

Keywords: Free Math , math, prek, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, activities, fun stuff, math centers
Author: Little Miss Kindergarten

Comparing Numbers, Alligator Style!

Comparing Numbers, Alligator Style!
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
Using a hungry number-eating alligator, students learn to compare numbers using the symbols in this Power Point lesson. If using in Elluminate, you can incorporate writing tools and pointer tool. - 27 slides

Keywords: Free Math , math, basic operations, numbers, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, powerpoint presentations
Author: Mrs. Sol

Telling Time: A Clock Freebie

Telling Time: A Clock Freebie
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
A fun freebie to help your kiddos learn how to tell time!

Keywords: Free Math , math, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, activities
Author: The Crazy Schoolteacher

Fraction Game FREEBIE: Buggy for Fractions!

Fraction Game FREEBIE: Buggy for Fractions!
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Buggy for Fractions is a print and go fraction game for partners. Each pair of players will need a copy of the game board, two different colored markers or crayons, and a pair of dice.

Students take turns rolling the dice to make fractions, using the lower number as the numerator and the higher number as the denominator. They name the fraction and then color fractional sections on the bugs with the intent of claiming bugs as their own. Bugs can be claimed when more than half of the bug is colored in that player's color.

A set of student directions is included.

I hope that you will enjoy my Buggy for Fractions FREEBIE! If you like this product, you may also be interested in the following products.

Keywords: Free Math , math, fractions, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, fun stuff, printables, games
Author: Undercover Classroom

Greater than less than worksheet - FREE , spring themed worksheets

Greater than less than worksheet - FREE , spring themed worksheets
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
Spring Themed Greater Than Less Than Worksheets.

This is a set of 8 fantastic black and white worksheets that teach students Greater than, Less than and Equal to Numbers. There is a great variety of worksheets, fantastic for Kindergarten or Grade One!

Comparing two groups (write the sign in the middle) x 2

Comparing numbers (write the sign in the middle) x 2

Color the right chick (look at the number on the left the sign in the middle, and color the chick with the right answer on the right) x 1

True or False (2>3) x 1

True or False (Number story 2+3>4) x 1

Color by sign x 1

These are all no prep printables, just press print and enjoy!

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Keywords: Free Math , math, easter, spring, prek, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, free math worksheets, printables, math centers
Author: Olivia Walker

STEM Break Sheets ~ A Great Way to Engage Teachers in STEM!

STEM Break Sheets ~ A Great Way to Engage Teachers in STEM!
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
Color by Number Worksheets
These are an idea we implemented into our school building last year as a way to really engage teachers and students into the STEM way of thinking! They are designed to be done whenever the teacher wants to do them, with easy to find (and cheap) supplies.

We try to do two of these a month! This download will always be free and I will continue to add STEM Break sheets as I create them!

Keywords: Free Math , math, science, engineering, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, activities, bulletin board ideas
Author: Smart Chick

100th Day of School FREE

100th Day of School FREE
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
100th Day of School FREE: 100th Day of School Paper Bag Challenge free file

100th day of school is on it's way.

This is your challenge, should you choose to accept it!

Keywords: Free Math , math, holidays/seasonal, winter, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, activities, fun stuff, math centers
Author: Clever Classroom

Estimate Sums Partner Game {Football Theme}

Estimate Sums Partner Game {Football Theme}
Mystery Pictures Worksheets
Coloring Worksheets
This Estimation game is perfect for fall! Students practice rounding and adding 5 digit numbers with a fun football theme. The only materials needed are the game boards, dice, and pencils.

Keywords: Free Math , basic operations, autumn, place value, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, activities, printables, games
Author: Cutesy Clickables by Collaboration Cuties

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Online Color By Number Math Mystery Pictures